In 2014, the ANS Executive Council approved the creation of a Young Members Group, now known as "Early Career" group, tasked with addressing the interests and needs of neurotologists in the early portion of their careers. Eligible members include current ANS members, Neurotology Fellow or Trainee member within 8 years of graduation from fellowship (based on the criteria used by the Young Physicians Section of the AAO-HNS) and those currently in fellowship.
ANS Mentorship click here to learn more.
Date: Friday, September 27, 2024 Time: 6:00PM - 8:30PM / Cocktails and Hors d'oeuvres Venue: Soho Beach House at the Beach Bar Address: 4385 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33140 RSVP HERE: Please contact Candace Hobson or Jim Naples, Co-Chairs, ANS Young members group, with questions Sponsored by Oticon Medical
Co-Chair - James G. Naples, MD Co-Chair - Candace Hobson, MD Officer, Shawn M. Stevens, MD Officer, Anne K. Maxwell, MD
The Neurotology Bootcamp is designed for incoming Neurotology fellows to learn from young faculty members of the ANS. The course aims to smooth the transition into fellowship through lecture, dissection, and comradery. Pre-course virtual lectures supplement the in-person panels and hands-on cadaveric dissection. Below are some quick facts about the course, and more details will be provided through a formal invitation.
Welcome new Fellows! If you haven't joined the ANS as a Trainee member, click here for more information!
The 2024 ANS New Fellows Bootcamp was held April 19-21 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Anyone who matched into a neurotology fellowship in the US was eligible to attend, and 16 were able to make it. The course was held at the Stryker facility in Salt Lake City, and was also supported by Cochlear Americas, MED-EL, Advanced Bionics, Grace Medical, and IotaMotion. The course consisted of recorded lecture material which was reviewed ahead of time, interactive panels and case discussions, and cadaver dissections. Each participant was allotted an injected cadaver head, and dissection focused on skull base approaches. Feedback was positive, with course attendees really enjoying the educational content, but also the time to socialize with colleagues and friends. Thank you to the 2024 Course Directors: Dr. Jeffrey Sharon (UCSF) and Dr. Cameron Wick (Washington University St. Louis). Guest Faculty: Dr. Divya Chari (University of Massachusetts), Dr. Si Chen (University of Florida) and Dr. Neil Patel (University of Utah), Dr. Mallory Raymond (Mayo Clinic Jacksonville), and Dr. Varun Varadarajan (Sacramento Ear, Nose & Throat).
NEUROTOLOGY BOOTCAMP 2023 WAS A HUGE SUCCESS with 100% of incoming Fellows participating (21/21)!

Stryker Lab

The Neurotology Bootcamp was designed to bring together the incoming Neurotology fellows to learn from renowned faculty who are active young members of the ANS. Our goal is to smooth the transition into fellowship by providing this intense training course through concentrated instruction and attention from our faculty members. The course is a combination of virtual and in-person lectures as well as hands-on cadaveric dissection. Below are some quick facts about the course, and more details will be provided through a formal invitation
- Course Directors: Dr. Jeffrey Sharon (UCSF) and Dr. Cameron Wick (Washington University St. Louis)
- Guest Faculty: Dr. Divya Chari (University of Massachusetts), Dr. Deepa Galaiya (Johns Hopkins), Dr. Philip Perez (UPMC) and Dr. Neil Patel (University of Utah).
Trainee Membership
The ANS Trainee membership category was created in 2004 by the ANS Executive Council with hopes that all Neurotology Fellows, Otolaryngology-HNS Residents, and Post Doctorate Researchers would apply for ANS entry-level membership as a full member at the close of his or her training. Trainee membership will co-terminate with the residency/training program at which time the Trainee member will be notified to apply for membership.
The following qualifications are required for Trainee Membership in the American Neurotology Society.
1. The candidate shall have earned a Medical Degree of MD, DO, PhD, or the equivalent.
2. In training in a field of study related to the field of Neurotology (Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Residency, Neurotology Fellowship or post doctoral research position).
3. Special interest in the field of Neurotology
4. Highest ethical and moral standards
5. Letter from Department Chair and/or Fellowship/Program Director validating your good standing as a Trainee including the duration of the program and expected date of completion. (letter must be uploaded with your application)
Trainee member applications are accepted year-around. Click here to download application instructions To complete the online application, click here
Please contact the ANS Administrative Office with any questions.
Email: [email protected]